Tubbs Brothers, Inc

Aug 2, 2021

Car Shopping for College Bound Students

With high school graduation ceremonies over, many students (and parents) find themselves in college preparation mode. Along with the mountain of decisions and planning that can sometimes feel daunting, one more looming question remains. Will this first-time-on-their-own student require a set of wheels? As higher education costs continue to spiral out of control, are the additional costs associated with a vehicle even in the cards? Will the parents be shouldering the cost, will the student, or some combination thereof?

Need vs. Want…

Almost all teens heading off to college will “want” a car, but the question is do they really “need” a car? There are many factors to consider before reaching a conclusion. Does the institute allow first/second year students to have a vehicle on campus? Where is the student going to live; at home, on campus, or in an apartment nearby? Can they walk to classes, or will they be commuting? Is there a place to park the car, and what is the cost for parking permits? Would a vehicle end up being a “distraction” for the student, or crate unnecessary responsibilities for them?

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Sometimes the need does outweigh the want, such as long distance commutes, or if the student will be working an off campus part-time job. For the vast number of students, holding off for the first or second year before taking on the additional costs of a vehicle often makes the most sense. Every situation is unique and families need to sort out the pros and cons before making that big decision.


After careful analysis has concluded a vehicle is necessary, there are several things to consider. Finding an appropriate vehicle can be a daunting task, followed by squeezing it into a pre-determined budget can be tricky. Safety is usually the top concern, followed closely by reliability. No parent wants to get a call in the middle of the night from their college student stranded on the side of the road! But what also has to be factored in is the knowledge that this car will not be receiving a whole lot of love.

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Even if your child promises to care for this car as if it were their first born child, the reality is this vehicle will mostly be sitting out doors and crammed into tight parking spaces. College life environments are not car friendly; add to the fact a young driver learning curve, and you can expect this vehicle will be exposed to dings, scrapes and abrasions (at the very least).   

Insurance can also be big expense, especially since young, inexperienced drivers will be paying higher premiums. I suggest before making a car purchase, check with your insurance agent first so that expense does not come as a surprise. And depending on the value of vehicle, analyze your level of acceptable risk, and then decide on the appropriate coverage.

The Hunt…

Where do you find the perfect college bound vehicle?  That depends on your comfort level and budget. If you have a larger budget, the convenience of going with a used car dealership which include vehicle warranties is always a safe route to go. Typically these vehicles have also gone through a fairly extensive inspection by trained technicians, adding to your peace of mind. The dealership will also simplify your to-do list by handling all the paperwork for you.

If the budget is on the lean side, then purchasing a vehicle from a private seller is another option. The ideal scenario would be buying from a family member or close friend (someone you can trust) but those situations are limited. Searching online is a very popular option utilized for locating an appropriate car. If this is the route taken, be sure to inspect the vehicle in person, and if possible, have a mechanic or knowledgeable friend scrutinize it.

Your child will have their model/feature “want list” and you will have yours (sure to be vastly different). Hopefully you can meet in the middle during the search and locate that solid, secure, and not-too-ugly vehicle that will deliver your child to and from classes safely.           


With vehicle ownership comes many responsibilities, which for many young drivers, there is a lesson to be learned. Maintenance is at the top of the list. For students, part of being on-their-own means learning to take care of things for themselves. It’s vital for them to be taught how to take care of their vehicle. Things like checking all the vital fluids under the hood, checking tire pressure (don’t forget the spare in the trunk), and how to change a flat tire are crucial. These are important skills that they will carry forward into their adult lives.

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Items for the Trunk…

Before your new college bound student hits the road, I suggest putting together travel kit. Include such items as a flashlight (with new batteries), a pair of gloves, some old towels, a simple first aid kit, a compressed can of tire sealant  (or small 12 volt air compressor), bungee cords, ice scrapper, small bag of kitty litter, jumper cables and a roadside hazard triangle. These items are not only helpful, but could be imperative in case of an emergency situation.

In the End…

So those were only a few things to consider when answering the vehicle need vs. want question for your college bound student. With careful planning and consideration, parents and students can boldly navigate this new journey with confidence. Purchasing the right car together can also be one of those life-lessons, memory evoking, bonding experiences for everyone involved. Make it the best, most positive experience possible!          

Tubbs Brothers Pre-Owned Vehicle Recommendations for College Bound Students, ready for immediate delivery…

At Tubbs Brothers we take pride in making sure you’re driving a safe and reliable vehicle. Contact our talented pre-owned Sales Team for help choosing the perfect vehicle for your college bound student. Our extensive inspection process takes all the worry out of purchasing a vehicle! We’ll show you a detailed summary of our inspection, helping you to make an informed decision. At Tubbs Brothers, you’ll feel good about doing business with us!

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